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Dragi membri ai comunității RONUDISM,
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Cu recunoștință,
Approximately fifteen kilometres westwards of Corfu town, between the villages of Pelekas and Vatos, under the mountain of Agios-Georgios is the idyllic beach of “Myrtiotissa”. Just next to the cosmopolitan beach of Glyfada, Mirtiotissa defenitely has something "special" about it. The natural beauty of the place, the isolated environment along with nudism, create an exotic and relaxed atmosphere. Myrtiotisa, the cleanest of all beaches in Corfu and one of the prettiest in Greece, remains unspoiled by modern civilization. Its morphology is the main reason why this place has been undeveloped over the years. Breathtaking cliffs, wild vegetation, rocks planted everywhere and a steep downhill road make the beach of Mirtiotisa still hard to access. The beach has always been attracted by naturists. Preferred by younger ones in the past while nowadays by a mixture of people and ages. The left side of the beach (as you face the sea) is mainly populated by nudists, both singles and couples, young and old together. At this part there is the famous natural shower with clean water coming down from the mountain. The main section is preffered mainly by families and generally people who don't bathe nude, although some nudists can be found here as well. At the end of that section is a big rock and beyond that begins the final part which is rocky and more isolated. Is a relaxing spot and a cruising area also populated by nudists mainly gay, but not only. Myrtiotisa has something for everybody. A unique place!